Moving computers is a daunting task, especially if it has to be rushed in order to meet up to a specific timing. You can be in a fix, with items cramped together into all manners of packages. This is not just right, especially if the items are fragile, like computers.
When packing computers, damages are the prime issues one must guard against. Accidents are not always planned, they can occur at anytime; it’s therefore wise counsel to insure delicate equipment’s of this nature. But notwithstanding, damages to equipment’s may not be as worrisome to you as the valuable data and files that may be lost in the process. Even the biggest insurance premiums cannot cover these! I will in this article provide useful points to take into consideration when moving computers.
Deploy external backup storage gadgets, flash drives, CD ROM, hard disks etc to duplicate copies of your priced data, to serve as backup, in case of losses. Preferably, keep them a safe distance away in a prepared lock box and package them all in one piece when moving, as you will not have to search frantically for small flash drives when you have arrived and unpacking to set up again.
If you can still find the pack the computers came with when it was bought, then it is valuable here. But if you can’t, then you must get another one for it. Find a suitably sized box or carton, not too bogus, just the right size for your personal computer. Prepare soft padding materials, cotton wool, soft cotton materials; foam etc. fit the padding into the box so that the computer is tightly fitted inside. Remember, while movement is on, and the vehicle sways from side to side, you don’t want your computer to shift positions as this is the source of most damages.
Ensure that all drives in the system are free from any disks, diskettes, CDs, or flash drives. To be rest assured that your computer is safely protected, you can also run a program SHIPDISK.EXE to carefully park all recording heads, as you will not like the recording heads damaged. An indicator red light blinks at the end of the program telling you that the computer is safely parked.

Computer Moving
As you have successfully parked the recording heads safely, you can now proceed to dismantling the units from each other, keyboards, monitors and CPU. Make sure the power source is turned off, and the power cable carefully unplugged from the socket. If you are a novice in PC assembly, then you have more headaches here. Then, get a piece of paper and write down every cable disconnected and where it was originally connected. This will make for easy installation thereafter.
Since your computers do not work in isolation, it needs printers, scanners, monitors, TV Tuners etc to deliver your needs. Therefore, you must ensure these units are just as safely packed.
In summary, make sure every box is securely sealed and marked ‘FRAGILE’. But if you are not convinced about its safety in the vehicle, take them along with you in a smaller car, and then you are rest assured.